Friday, March 29, 2013

France Friday: Good Friday

On this Good Friday, we are thankful for the way that God is working in and through our family here while we are still in the process of getting to France,  Karis is really beginning to understand what Christ did for us on the cross and what it means to trust in him for salvation and we rejoice in that.  We, of course, pray often (as we hope that you do as well) that next Easter will find us sharing Good Friday with the French people, but we are learning to be content in the time frame that God has for us and we are thankful for the growth in the journey.  We were able to share with the Bartlett Hills Baptist Church Golden Circle group this past week and we appreciate the love and support we continue to receive from them. 
We continue to welcome any opportunities to share.  We also have a couple of fundraisers currently in the works:

The first is "Operation Pickle Jar"

We have these containers that we are placing in local businesses that we frequent (with permission of course) to take up donations.  We also hope to be able to have more information available for anyone who is interested in learning more about how they can partner with us.  Please let us know if you would like one of these containers to place somewhere.


The second is a group called Antiquities:
 Basically, people can buy tickets for a sitting to get their children's pictures made.  The tickets are $10.  That $10 will cover the sitting and a 10x13 portrait (which in my opinion is a great deal in itself).  100% of that money will go to our missions fund.  Then, you can order more prints from them.  Also, for anyone who is interested in selling tickets for us, here is what you can earn:
sell 10 - receive 2-8x10s, 2-5x7s and 8 wallets
sell 15 - receive 4-8x10s, 4-5x7s and 16 wallets
sell 20 - receive 8-8x10s, 8-5x7s and 32 wallets
sell 25 - receive 8-8x10s, 8-5x7s, 32 wallets PLUS 10x13 and 16x20 canvas!!
you have your choice of poses at all these levels!
 We would love to have you join us for this event.  I think it is going to be a lot of fun!  Here is one more sample of the type of picture we will be doing:
 This is a picture of Vanessa Moore's son, Nate several years ago.  This portrait was done in the Antique Color style which is the one we will be using.  Also, Vanessa has worked with this company three different times to raise money for her MOPS group and has been very pleased with their services.  
 SO: Here are some ways that you can be praying for us this week..
       *  First, we are thankful for two more families who have pledged to partner with us on a monthly basis.  We are also thankful for some new upcoming opportunities to share our story and make new contacts.  We will be giving specifics on those soon.
  •  Pray as we continue to schedule small group meetings with couples, SS classes, and others over the next few weeks and balance those meetings with everyday life..
  •  Pray that God will continue to move in the hearts of people to partner with us as we strive to make it to the next pre-field training in July.
    Thank you as always for continuing to be a part of God's work in and through our family and more importantly in the lives of those who do not yet know Him! 

Friday, March 22, 2013

FRANCE FRIDAY: "A Missionary Woman's Prayer"

La Prière d’une Femme Missionnaire

Père, mon Abba et le roi de ma vie
Je m’offre à Toi, une mère, une épouse, une fille 
Je te donne ma famille et tout ce que nous possédons
A ton service, Maître,  jusqu’à notre arrivée chez Toi, dans Ta maison.

Jésus, mon Sauveur et le Créateur majestueux de tout
Cinq cœurs répondent volontiers à Ton appel.
Conduis-nous, nous Te suivrons ; ce que Tu dis, nous le ferons
Demandes-nous et nous nous donnerons à Toi, envoies-nous et nous partirons.

 Au pied de Ta croix, nous déposons chacune de nos craintes
Nous T’offrons en cadeau, Jésus, tout ce que nous chérissons
Notre seul désir est de répandre Ta pure et merveilleuse lumière
Notre seule récompense sera un jour d’entendre Ta voix qui nous dit "bien fait"

Une prière qui vient du cœur d'une servante.


 A Missionary Woman’s Prayer

Father, my Abba and King of my life
I offer myself a mother, a woman, a wife
I give you my family and all that we own
For your service Master until You call us home.

Jesus my Savior, majestic Creator of all
Five hearts are responding to your beck and call
Lead, we will follow; what you say we will do
Ask and we will give, send and we will go.

At the foot of your cross, we lay all our fear
As a gift to you Jesus, we give all we hold dear
Our only desire is that Your pure light be shown
Our hope of reward is to hear Your “well done.”

From a servant’s heart.

 Our friend, Mike LaRiviere, who wrote the newspaper article that we shared last week, also wrote this poem for an upcoming event where we will be sharing.  I will be reading it in both English and French.  As I was translating it (with some help from our friends and missionaries, the Lohneses) I had to reread it many times.  During that time, I was filled with many emotions: fear, excitement, even frustration.  One of the questions I will be answering at this upcoming event is: "You are about to take your small children, and the grandchildren of two sets of grandparents, 4,500 miles away. You will have your hands full as a wife, mother, and missionary. How will you handle all that?"  When I read this question my first thought was...I don't guess "I have absolutely no idea!" is an acceptable answer.  I do know that the struggles that I face balancing being a wife and mom and support-raising are great preparation for balancing being a wife and mom and missionary.  I am not the first woman to do it and I am confident that my God who has called our family to this, will remain with us every step of the way.  I would love to know the exact when and where and how, but as the poem ends, I am a servant.  I put my trust in the Master and look forward to the journey ahead.  Thank you for continuing to pray for us.  If you didn't catch yesterday's "DID YOU KNOW???" post, check it out here.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Less than 10% of the French people own a Bible and 80% have never even handled one. France is not a third world country, but it IS an unreached people group. We would love to share more with you about how you can partner with us to take the Gospel to the French. "14 How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? 15 How will they preach unless they are sent?" (Romans)

Friday, March 15, 2013

France Friday: March 15th, 2013

Its Friday again and I find myself wondering where another week has gone.  Time seems to be moving faster than ever and some days I feel as though I am walking through molasses.  We have been so blessed over the past weeks with an overwhelming amount of support and encouragement.  We were humbled to have Mike LaRiviere write an article that was published in the Bartlett Express, a local newspaper.  You can read it here.  We have had several new people partner with us on a monthly basis as well as our second Sunday School class.  We are so thankful for these men and women and their sacrifice to support what God is doing in France.  We also have several opportunities coming up: we will be sharing with another SS class this weekend and at a Golden Circle Meeting in another week.  We are scheduling one on one or small group meetings as often as possible.  We covet your prayers as we strive to meet our goal of getting to the field in early fall.  Also, let us know if you would like to meet with us or if you would be interested in hosting a small group meeting with some of your friends who might be interested in learning more about how they can partner with us.  Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 8, 2013

France Friday, "Allons-Y!"

      Our catch-phrase during this journey and the title of our blog is "Allons-y" which means "Let's Go!"  It's a rally cry for us to get involved in what God is doing around the world, and particularly in France.  We since come to find out that we're not the only ones to make that our catch-phrase! (See the video above from a fairly popular British TV show).    

      We're ready to go.  We long to see what God has in store.  And God is working.  It feels right now that we have so many opportunities before us that it's a little bit overwhelming trying to juggle them all.  But it all takes me back to the World Team value of "teamwork" and "interdependence." And I can't say it was intentional, but even our slogan speaks to the fact that we can't do it alone.  And I don't think God wants us to.  We're so thankful for those that have met with us regularly to pray and to organize our efforts, as well as for the many others that have helped in so many ways.  Please continue to pray for us as God prepares us for the work of the ministry, as we seek to "equip the saints," as we cry out "Allons-y!" to the beloved.  And so I say to you, "Let's go." How does God want you to get involved in what He's doing around the world? 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Got Pickles??...

WE NEED PICKLE JARS! (the BIG ones)  Recently, a friend and his wife have felt God calling them to partner with us in this support-raising process on a whole new level.  We will be sharing some of the other ways in the near future, but our first venture is to collect as many large pickle jars as we can (we need about 12 or so).  We will be placing them at different businesses and organizations around the area (with permission of course).  We will be collecting one-time donations and pledges as well as displaying information about our call.  We could use your help.  If you have any of these jars or even the large cheese ball containers like you can find at Sams, please let us know.  Thanks so much and have a great Monday!